Thursday, October 18, 2018

Drink & Draw Monday October 29th 7-9pm @ The Old Fashioned

We will have our first Drink & Draw of the year Oct. 29th at the Old Fashioned located on Capitol Square.  It is a popular place but there is no baseball that night and neither the Packers or Badgers are playing so I was hoping it would not be too crowded.  Good food and over 50 beers on tap.  If you are coming it would be good if you could get there by 7pm so we know how big a table we need.  I plan to get there by 6:45pm.  

If anyone has ideas for locations for more Drink & Draw sketch dates please let me or Ruth know.  When the weather gets worse it would be good to have a place that has its own parking lot but hopefully it will not be snowing on the 29th! 

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