Monday, April 15, 2019

Indoors at Verona Public Library

Well anyone with any sense was indoors - it was 34 degrees last Sunday! Stubborn as usual , Kellen and I planned and dressed for (so we thought) a day of outdoor sketching.
I lasted 11 minutes. I'm pretty sure Kellen followed shortly thereafter.

yeah, it's spring in WI

And why not? Verona Library is a beautiful space with lots of window light. It was a peaceful gathering with 13 sketchers present. We were so glad to see Elsie again.

I had forgotten, of all things, my sketchbook. Luckily, just like Elsie, I carry my emergency one in the car, so all was well, if a bit tiny. I'm rather intrigued by my tiny three sketches which I glued into my book once I arrived home.

As I always say, a great afternoon, among like minded people.

Next time Lakeside Cafe, and please.....warm weather?

Happy Sketching

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Next Sketching Date for April 14th 1pm - Verona Public Library

The library opens at 1pm and we will sketch from 1-3pm inside or outside depending on weather and what looks interesting.  Also there is an upcoming workshop on Sketching Cities in May in Platteville.  If anyone is interested contact: Lana at] for more information.  (It is not an official USK workshop).

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Drawing Attention April 2019

Don't miss this month's April issue of USK's Drawing Attention, lots of info and inspiration.

And please, order up some good outdoor sketching weather


Stay creative