Sunday, August 18, 2019

News from USK Chicago

Greetings Sketchers,
A newsflash for those of you who do not use the Facebook page, USK Chicago is having a Tri-State Sketchcrawl and that means us!

Make plans for this great opportunity to head to Chicago on September 15. USK Chicago Admin Alex Zonis, posted this message on FB today:

"Hi Madison sketchers! I am a USk Chicago admin. USk Chicago would like to invite you to a Tri-State sketchcrawl!
We came up with this idea to have a sketchcrawl and invite our neighbors: Usk Indianapolis, Usk Milwaukee and you - USk Madison. The sketchcrawl will be in Chicago, because we are in the middle, on Sunday September 15, before our Midwest weather turns. We are planning to spend a day sketching, getting to know each other, maybe having a snack and a drink together.
We hope you like our idea. Details are coming soon."

I'll post this on the events calendar with, as Alex remarks above, details to follow soon.

Beautiful day sketching this afternoon with Kellen, hope you have been creative. Look forward to our meetup next Saturday.
See you there!


1 comment:

  1. That sounds great! I don't think I can go but it would really be fun and hope some of us can go.
