Draw Madison sketchers can take on a new (and totally optional) challenge and do one drawing assignment from this book monthly. The assignment will be announced on the first Sunday of the month and can be brought for "show and tell" on the sketching date for the first Sunday in the following month (if you can't come that Sunday just bring it when you can come.) This is completely voluntary and drawings will not be critiqued unless a sketcher requests it. We just thought it could be a good way to push our drawing skills and imagination a bit and have some fun.
This month the assignment is "Domestic Rituals" on page 109. The book costs around $15 or less on Amazon and the public library has some copies also. We will plan on sharing our efforts with the group at the January 5th meeting at the downtown Madison Public Library.
(Sketchers can bring as many drawings of this assignment as they like and the drawings can be any size and in any medium.)